We are all about computer repair Boca Raton FL Fort Lauderdale West Palm Beach

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So, who is HOSTWIZ.ORG?

That's easy. We are a bunch of really smart, friendly & savy folks who have been repairing and maintaining all kinds of computers, networks, information systems---and everything that goes with them, for homes and businesses in the South Florida area for over 10 years!  You can call us nerds if you want, but we love our customers, and we will do whatever it takes to make them happy and successful.  That's what we live for!
WE COME TO YOU! -- wherever you are.
We specialize in quick response and the fastest possible solutions to your problems. And, we try to make sure you don't have the same problem again!  And yes, we guarantee our work!  Your problems are important to us - we consider you our highest priority!  Need a remote fix?  We do that.  Already have a corporate IT Department in-house or across the U.S.?  Give us a call!  We can provide prompt, local service in the event that you are in a time crunch and need assistance right away.  Or, we can work hand-in-hand with your in-house IT Department on a consulting basis, and to assist with various projects on-site.
Who's on the team?
Our team consists of Microsoft Certified Systems engineers & technicians, and a really great staff of folks who do all the other important stuff which helps us serve you all day every day!  Meet the team, and you'll see why - we are just not like all the "other guys"!
- HOSTWIZ employs are highly skilled and experienced Microsoft certified network engineers and technicians. Our techs always maintain current certifications, and are fully educated on all the latest and greatest in the commercial and residential computer and networking industry. 
Professional - Our courteous engineers and technicians are professionally presented in appropriate business casual attire.  And their work matches their appearance! 

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Computer Repair Boca Raton FL Computer Repair Services Fort Lauderdale West Palm Beach