Computer repair prices Boca Raton FL Fort Lauderdale West Palm Beach

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Price List:

* Same-Day Service Option Available  
* Virus/Spyware Detection & Removal $80 per/hour
* Virus/Spyware Protection Consultation & Installation $80 per/hour
* Consulting on Internet Filters & Parental Controls $80 per/hour
* Data Recovery $80 per/hour
* Move/Set-up New PC's and/or Wireless Home Network $80 per/hour
* Data Transfer $80 per/hour
* Software Installation, Upgrades and/or Updates $80 per/hour
* Hardware Upgrades & Installation $80 per/hour (part's not included)
* Software Training $80 per/hour
* Email Troubleshooting & Repair $80 per/hour
* Troubleshooting Printer Issues $80 per/hour
* Internet Connection Troubleshooting & Repair $80 per/hour
* Website Design, Development & Maintenance - (negotiable) Call for details
* Search Engine Optimization and Search Engine Marketing, Adwords... (negotiable) Call for details
* Linux Upgrades $120 per/hour

* ...and much, much more!! JUST GIVE US A CALL - WE CAN HELP!!

** There is one hour minimum charge and there could be a commute charge depending of the area you are living


  Home PC Support
  Virus Removal and Repairs
  Anti-spam software installation
  PC Hardware Installation
  Web Design
  Web Site Promotion
  Computer Repair Training
  New Computer Setup
  Home PC Repair Service
    Virus Removal and Protection     PC Troubleshooting  
    Anti virus Program Installation     Onsite Computer fix
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Computer Repair Boca Raton FL Computer Repair Services Fort Lauderdale West Palm Beach